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WPARC K6PAC FM Repeater 147.300 + 67 Hz | [Call Sign TBD] C4FM Repeater 147.330 + 67 Hz |
WPARC Meetings |
- WPARC Members Meeting - Third Tuesdays, 7:00 PM, Round Table Pizza, Rocklin, CA
- WPARC Member Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at the Round Table Pizza Clubhouse in Rocklin. Enjoy some pizza, salad, and a beer or soda while you enjoy meeting new and old friends. Meetings are also held on Zoom Meetings so you can participate from almost anywhere.
Location: 2345 Sunset Blvd at Stanford Ranch Road, Rocklin, in the Bel Air Stanford Ranch Village shopping center. Round Table Pizza is adjacent to Sunset Blvd. Click for Google Maps location and directions.
Planned Topics on Feb 18: Jerry N6JKH, Art KK6NFM, and Michael K6BUK will speak on a new mesh technology. There will be a demonstration of the tiny devices and technology. Join us!
- Ham License Testing - First Tuesdays, 6:00 PM, NEW LOCATION starting January 2025 Round Table Pizza, Rocklin, CA
- WPARC offers ham radio license testing on the first Tuesday of each month. Arrive at Round Table Pizza Clubhouse in Rocklin ready to test between 6:00 and 6:30 PM. Our friendly volunteer examiners will greet you and proctor your exam. If you have any questions about the exam session then you may contact Lou by email.
Location: 2345 Sunset Blvd at Stanford Ranch Road, Rocklin, in the Bel Air Stanford Ranch Village shopping center. Round Table Pizza is adjacent to Sunset Blvd. Click for Google Maps location and directions.
- WPARC Board Meeting - First Tuesdays, 7:00 PM on Zoom Meetings
- The WPARC Board of Directors conducts Board meetings on the first Tuesday of each month. The Board welcomes members and guests who wish to observe or bring business before the board. Click for Zoom Meeting information.
- Second Saturday Breakfast - Second Saturdays, 8:00 AM, Waffle Farm, Lincoln, CA
- WPARC meets at the Lincoln Waffle Farm for breakfast. This is an informal meeting to meet fellow or future members, share a project, share a question, and enjoy some waffles! Come dine with us.
Location: Waffle Farm, 815 Twelve Bridges Dr at Fieldstone Drive in Lincoln. Click for Google Maps location and directions
- Weekly Thursday Night Net Ragchews on Zoom Meeting 6:00 PM
- WPARC hosts a weekly Zoom Ragchew meeting before the Thursday evening nets at 6:00 PM. Click for Zoom Meeting information. We'll look for you online!
- Weekly Thursday Night Nets on K6PAC Repeater 7:30 PM
- WPARC hosts a weekly on the air net at 7:30 PM. Click for Weekly Nets information. We'll look for you on air!
- WPARC Zoom Meetings
- If you can't make the eyeball QSO then join the meeting virtually on Zoom.
Join Zoom Member Meeting
Meeting ID and Passcode shouldn't be requested, but if they are then see below,
Meeting ID: 841 8486 4741
Passcode: 352 729
Join by phone (audio only)
Method 1: Try our One Click Mobile
Method 2: Join by phone, select the entire string from + to second # and paste it into your phone dialer. Each comma instructs your phone to pause briefly. You may need to drop the "+1" for some cellular carriers, otherwise the network thinks you're trying to dial an international call.
+16699009128,,84184864741#,,,,*352729# US (San Jose)
Method 3: If your smartphone supports it you may be able to install the Zoom meeting app, and then click on the web page link above for audio and video connectivity.
Find alternate regional Zoom dial-in telephone numbers
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WPARC News |
- Placer County ARES Nets and Meetings
- Scott Read is the Emergency Coordinator (EC) for Placer County ARES. Scott shares the following recurring ARES meetings,
• 1st Sunday of Every Month Zoom Meeting at http://meeting.w6ek.org all are invited. Time 1930 hrs.
• 2nd Sunday Radio Nets on the K6IOK Repeater at 1930 hrs. 145.130(-) pl 114.8
• 3rd Sunday Radio Net on the W6EK repeater at 1930 hrs. 145.430(-) pl 162.2
• 4th Sunday is either a Winlink Check-in or Winlink Exercise. Email the Placer ARES EC at placercountyares@gmail.com to get on the distribution list, or join the Placer County ARES Facebook group.
The Placer County ARES Facebook Group has situational updates and training classes and general Emergency Communications (EMCOMM) related information.
- Return of our WPARC C4FM Repeater
- WPARC is rebuilding our C4FM repeater station in preparation to putting it back on the air. The cavities are being serviced and tuned and an antenna is being selected. The repeater will be found on 147.330 + PL 67.0. The refurbished repeater will operate from the valley floor atop a modest mast. The projected RF footprint suggests wide coverage across the greater Sacramento Valley region. Listen for it on-air coming soon.
- LHARG Ham Radio Book Lending Library
- Secretary/Treasurer Michael K6BUK writes: I am pleased to announce that WPARC has joined with our affiliated club, the Lincoln Hills Amateur Radio Group (LHARG) to develop a library of ham-related books. Many thanks to LHARG/WPARC member Dan KN6DRN for his time and effort to create the new library. It will be housed at the LHARG club building, the south entry building, in Sun City Lincoln Hills, on the corner of Joiner and Del Webb Blvd. Access is limited to LHARG club meeting hours on Monday nights from about 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM. You may also request a book from Dan or Michael Buck, K6BUK, and we will send them to the monthly WPARC meeting. The new library is quite extensive but if you have any books we don’t have and would like to donate them, we would greatly appreciate it.
A list of available books is on the LHARG Lending Library page.
- WPARC's K6PAC/R is pictured in the photo here. On the cart it is almost mobile! It has been at its new home since Apr'22.
(Tip: open image in a new browser tab to see it bigger.)
- WPARC on Facebook and X
- Check us out on Facebook and Follow us on X (@k6pac)
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WPARC Calendar |
WPARC welcomes you to join us for the following events. See location information in the Meetings section at top of this page. All events and dates are subject to change at discretion of the board.
WPARC Events 2025 |
January 7-Ham Exam 6p NEW LOCATION! 7-Board Mtg 7p 11-2nd Sat B'fast 21-Members Mtg 7p NEW LOCATION! 25-26-Winter Field Day
February 4-Ham Exam 6p NEW LOCATION! 4-Board Mtg 7p 8-2nd Sat B'fast 18-Members Mtg 7p NEW LOCATION!
March 4-Ham Exam 6p NEW LOCATION! 4-Board Mtg 7p 8-2nd Sat B'fast 18-Members Mtg 7p NEW LOCATION!
April 1-Ham Exam 6p 1-Board 7p 12-2nd Sat B'fast 15-Members Mtg 11-13-Intl DX Conv
May 6-Ham Exam 6p 6-Board Mtg 7p 10-2nd Sat B'fast 20-Members Mtg 7p
June 3-Ham Exam 6p 3-Board Mtg 7p 14-2nd Sat B'fast 17-Members Mtg 7p 28-29-ARRL Field Day
July 1-Ham Exam 6p 1-Board Mtg 7p 12-2nd Sat B'fast 15-Members Mtg 7p
August 5-Ham Exam 6p 5-Board Mtg 7p 9-2nd Sat B'fast 19-Members Mtg 7p
September 2-Ham Exam 2-Board Mtg 7p 13-2nd Sat B'fast 16-Members Mtg 7p TBD-WPARC Ham Fest
October 7-Ham Exam 6p 7-Board Mtg 7p 10-12-Pacificon 11-2nd Sat B'fast 18-Tour de Lincoln 21-Members Mtg 7p
November 4-Ham Exam 6p 4-Board Mtg 7p 8-2nd Sat B'fast 18-Members Mtg 7p
December 2-Ham Exam 6p 2-Board Mtg 7p 13-2nd Sat B'fast TBD-Lions Holiday Event 16-Members Mtg 7p
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WPARC Nets |
- WPARC Weekly Nets
- Members and guests are always welcome to check in. Share a few minutes with us and keep your net skills sharp!
Day and Time | Net | Notes |
Thu 6:00 PM | Zoom Meeting Rag Chew | See and be seen, share your thoughts. Zoom Meeting info |
Thu 7:30 PM | WPARC Weekly Nets | Weekly 2m Net (K6PAC FM) |
- Net Script
- Running a net is a great way to gain radio experience. Try your hand at running a net! The net script can be found here [pdf]. The frequent weekly checkins list [mid-2023] can be found here [pdf].
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WPARC Officers - 2025 |
President | Jerry H | N6JKH |
Vice President | Art G | KK6NFM |
Secretary/Treasurer | Michael B | K6BUK |
Volunteer Examiner Leader | Lou F | KG6FCT |
Board Member | Jason F | KB6Q |
Board Member | Ben S | N3BEN |
Board Member and Website | Jey Y | KQ6DK |
Alternate Board Member and Netmaster | Bill M | KN6MLT |
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