WPARC Meetings |
- Ham License Testing - First Tuesdays, 6:00 PM
- WPARC offers ham radio license testing on the first Tuesday of each month in Roseville. Arrive ready to test at Round Table Pizza Clubhouse between 6:00 and 6:30 PM (see below for new location, map, and directions.) Our friendly volunteer examiners will greet you and proctor your exam. If you have any questions about the exam session then you may contact Lou by email.
- WPARC Board Meeting - First Tuesdays, 7:30 PM
- WPARC conducts Board Member meetings on the first Tuesday of each month at the Round Table Pizza Clubhouse as listed below. The board welcomes members and guests who wish to observe or bring business before the board.
- WPARC Members Meeting - Third Tuesdays, 7:00 PM
- WPARC holds in person Member Meetings on the third Tuesday of each month at Round Table Pizza Clubhouse (see below for new location, map, and directions.) Enjoy some pizza, salad, and a beer or soda while you enjoy meeting new and old friends.
Scheduled Topics: TBD
- Zoom Member Meetings - Third Tuesdays, 7:00 PM
- If you can't make the eyeball QSO then join the meeting virtually on Zoom.
Join Zoom Member Meeting
Meeting ID and Passcode shouldn't be requested, but if they are then see below,
Meeting ID: 841 8486 4741
Passcode: 352 729
One tap mobile - Join by smartphone, select the entire string from + to second # and paste into your phone dialer. Each comma instructs your phone to pause briefly. On some smartphones you may be able to click on the web page string directly.
+16699009128,,84184864741#,,,,*352729# US (San Jose)
Find alternate regional Zoom dial-in telephone numbers
- Past Member Meeting Minutes
- Memories of our past meetings [PDF]...
2021 Member Meeting Minutes: Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct
- Zoom Thursday Night Net Ragchews 6:00 PM
- WPARC has a Zoom account and we plan to make good use of it. We will host a weekly Zoom Ragchew meeting before the Thursday evening nets at 6:00 PM. We'll look for you online!
Join Thu 6:00 PM PT Zoom Ragchew Meeting
- Round Table Pizza Clubhouse Location for Ham VE Test Sessions and Member Meetings
- Our new testing and meeting location is at Round Table Pizza Clubhouse at Foothills Blvd and Baseline Road, in the Brickyard Center (Bel Air supermarket) shopping center. Look for us at 4010 Foothills Blvd, Suite 108, Roseville. Round Table Pizza is tucked in to the NW corner of the center. Click for Google Map and directions. See you there!
- WPARC Nets on K6PAC/R
- Join us on air on K6PAC/R [147.300 + 67 Hz] for Wednesday and Thursday Nets. We'll hear you there! See our nets schedule below.
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WPARC News |
- Club Dues are Due in December
- Club dues for 2022 are due in December. Dues remain the same as in prior years. Dues are $24 for an individual, $36 for a household at the same address, and $12 for active duty military or members under age 18. Bring your dues payment to the next meeting or mail a check to PO Box 1173, Lincoln CA 95648.
- RF Exposure Presentation
- President Frank K1FMB prepared a presentation on understanding new FCC RF Exposure rules. Did you know that your station must comply with RF exposure regulations? Take a few minutes to download and review what you need to know about this new update to an old rule. Download as PowerPoint [pptx] or PDF.
- GAP Antenna Presentation
- President Frank K1FMB presented the GAP Antenna at the May Zoom Member Meeting. Presentation materials are attached as PowerPoint PPSX files. You'll need to download it in five manageable segments. Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4 Segment 5
Depending on your computer / browser set up each of the segments may start to present automatically, or you may need to locate it in your downloads and start it from the downloaded file. Depending on your operating system, you may need a PowerPoint viewer or supporting application.
- HRO Sacramento is Now Open
- Ham Radio Outlet is now open in Sacramento, just a few blocks off of I-80 and Madison Ave exit. When you're there drop in to say Hi! to WPARC Member Ray K4RMD next door at PIP.
- Lincoln Lions Holiday Distribution Event: Sat Dec 18
- Lincolin Lions support our community with a holiday food and a little something under the tree for the young ones event. This year the event will take place on Saturday, Dec 18. Our club helps to direct vehicles through the pick up line, answer questions, and prep the vehicles for the goody box. Can you join us in making this event another success? Check in to one of our club nets or the club meeting in November to volunteer. Charge up your handi-talkie and join us. All hands welcome!
- Tour de Lincoln Success!
- After a year and a half pandemic delay the Tour de Lincoln was another success in 2021! The morning was just a little darker when starting in October than in May,yet the intrepid SAGs, bicycle mobile, rest stop stations, and net control reported to their posts to keep things whizzing along. Ride sponsors reported over 400 riders registered for the event. Sponsors were exceptionally pleased with our club support again this year. They are looking forward to the club returning next year on Oct 15, 2022 for the next Tour de Lincoln. Will we see you there too?
- WPARC Ham Fest Success!
- It's official! Our September WPARC Ham Fest 2021 was a success. People came to the event, met other people, looked at stuff, bought stuff, and sold stuff. Download your official 2021 WPARC Ham Fest Flyer [PDF] as a collector's item. Let it inspire you for next year. Thank you to our sponsors for providing fabulous prizes! Congratulations to our prize winners shown below.
- Wires X Node on Yaesu System Fusion Radios
- We now have a test Wires X node set up for club members to try. For those unfamiliar with Wires X, it is similar to Echolink or Allstar. The node is located at Art's QTH for the test and is on 145.700. The system consists of a Yaesu FTM-100 DR dual band (2 meters/70 cm) and a Yaesu Wires X box. If the tests are successful (which they appear to be to date) we will link the node with the repeater. This is a significant benefit to the club and greatly increases the versatility and reach of the repeater. Anyone with a System Fusion radio can join in.
- WPARC on Facebook and Twitter
- Check us out on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter (@k6pac)
- Engraved Club Member Name Badges
- Hey! What's yer name? Do you want a club name badge? WPARC engraved member name badge ordering information is out page. You can order your new, replacement, or extra badges from Capital Engraving.
- WPARC Incident Command Safety Vests
- Bill KJ6YCO and Katy KJ6YCP have a few club incident command safety vests available for sale. The club standardized on these safety vests a few years ago. These vests are safety lime yellow with two vertical reflective stripes and one horizontal stripe. They have clear pockets to hold your identification information. Club member Dennis KI6HHA can help to get your identification credentials set just right. Dennis will need a head and shoulders picture of you and a copy of your wallet-sized FCC Amateur Radio License. You can send these two items as a scan, .gif or .jpg images.
When we are working an event and we all arrive in matching incident command vests with identification, it makes us look like professional radio operators and not just amateurs! Vests are $21.45 payable to WPARC. Catch Bill or Katy on a net and ask them to bring your new incident command vest to the next meeting, or mail payment to WPARC, PO Box 1173, Lincoln CA 95648.

- Club Logo Clothing from Custom Fit Apparel
- Personalized club logo T-shirts are a big hit and club members want more! Click the link to visit Custom Fit Apparel to order your custom printed T-shirts, polo shirts, and sweatshirts / fleece outerwear. Order at least two weeks prior to an upcoming Members Meeting and your order should be delivered at the Members Meeting.

- WPARC Repeater Abuses
- Repeater Trustee Michael K6BUK received comments on a few repeater users abusing repeater etiquette. Please review Ethics and Operating Procedure for the Radio Amateur as a refresher.
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WPARC Calendar |
WPARC is trying Zoom meetings in 2021. All dates are tenative and subject to change at discretion of the board. |
2021 |
Join Thursday 6:00 PM PT Zoom Weekly Ragchew Meeting |
January 30-31-Winter Field Day TBD-Members Meeting
February 16-Zoom Members Mtg 7PM
March 16-Zoom Members Mtg
April 16-18-Virtual Intl DX Conv #1 20-Zoom Members Mtg 23-25-Virtual Intl DX Conv #2
May 18-Zoom Members Mtg
June 15-Members Mtg 26-27-ARRL Field Day
July 20-Members Mtg
August 3-Ham Exam 17-In Person and Members Mtg
September 14-Ham Exam 18-WPARC Ham Fest 21-Members Mtg
October 5-Ham Exam 15-17-Pacificon 19-Members Mtg 30-Tour de Lincoln
November 2-Ham Exam 16-In Person and Zoom Members Mtg
December 7-Ham Exam 17-Lions Food Event 21-Members Mtg
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WPARC Nets |
- WPARC Weekly Nets
- Members and guests are always welcome to check in. Share a few minutes with us and keep your net skills sharp! Remember that we are now hosting a Thursday 6:00 PM PT Zoom ragchew meeting before the net, join Thursday 6:00 PM PT Zoom Ragchew Meeting
Day and Time | Net | Notes |
Wed 10:00 AM | WPARC Day Net | Members and guests welcome |
Thu 7:30 PM | WPARC Evening Nets | 2M then HF net follows, see below |
- WPARC Thursday Evening HF Net Schedule
- Following the Thursday evening 2M Net we have an HF Net to keep our HF radio skills sharp. Confirm the scheduled band and frequency during the 2M net.
Day | Band and Frequency |
Nov |
Dec |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
1st Thu | 10 meters (28.410 MHz) |
4 |
2 |
6 |
3 |
3 |
2nd Thu | 15 meters (21.355 MHz) |
11 |
9 |
13 |
10 |
10 |
3rd Thu | 40 meters (7.225 MHz) |
18 |
16 |
20 |
17 |
17 |
4th Thu | 75 Meters (3.855 MHz) |
25 |
23 |
27 |
24 |
24 |
5th Thu | 10 meters (28.410 MHz) |
30 |
31 |
- Bozo 2M SSB Net - Wednesday and Sunday Eves - 7:30-10:00 PM
- This net started in Southern California when local hams started a 2M SSB simplex net on the SSB calling frequency, and some old timer got on to inquire 'What are you Bozos doing?' And the rest is history. Our club repeater site host is active on Bozo Net and thus we need to minimize QRM during Bozo Net hours to be good neighbors. Please respect Quiet Hours Wednesdays and Sundays 7-10 PM and limit K6PAC repeater usage to emergency contacts only. Bozo Net Page
- Net Script
- Running a net is a great way to gain radio experience. Try your hand at running a net! The updated net script can be found here [pdf].
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