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On this page: Memorials to our Silent Keys
WPARC K6PAC FM Repeater 147.300 + 67 Hz | [Call Sign TBD] C4FM Repeater 147.330 + 67

We remember and honor our members who have become Silent Keys (SK) over the years.
Please click on names below to expand memorial announcements that were shared to our members.
Harvey Ulijohn, KD6LND — SK: May 2018

It is with an exceptionally sad and heavy heart that I must inform you of the passing of club past President Harvey Ulijohn, KD6LND. Harvey was a long-time club member and was a ham for many years. He served in other club positions and was active in many areas. However, it was as President that Harvey had his most impact on the club. He took over the reins after a disastrous term by someone who should have never been President and stabilized the club. He was a natural leader and mentor and had a good influence on many people. Harvey had a calming influence on any organization he was involved with and was highly respected for his leadership. Those who knew him valued his friendship. He organized the WPARC Hamfest one year and played an active role many other years along with his XYL Karen. In addition, Harvey was involved in many other community activities. He was a past President of the Lincoln Rotary club and led many useful projects to help people worldwide. He was also active in some car clubs and for many years had a Sunbeam Alpine, a popular British sports car. He lived in England for several years while running a software company.

Harvey's passing is a great loss to all who knew him. I am deeply saddened but have many good memories of him and will cherish them for years to come. [M.Buck]

Clay Abrams, K6AEP — SK: May 2018

It is with great sadness that I report the passing of Clay Abrams, K6AEP. Clay was a long time member of the WPARC and was licensed as a ham for over 65 years. Clay served as a Board Member for several years and was a stalwart on our Field Day events.

Clay was an electrical engineer and worked for IBM for many years. He was involved in the invention of the floppy and hard drives, including those used in modern PCs. In earlier years he was active in a computer club in Silicon Valley and was friends with many innovators including Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. He worked on the development of slow-scan TV for ham radio and is credited with the first trans-oceanic transmission which was to the Japanese government and is well documented on YouTube and other internet sites.

Clay loved the latest technology and always had the latest hot goodies. However, he didn’t buy things because they were the hot item – he used all his gear actively and could be seen on PSK Reporter for hours every day. He loved CW and was the club CW star every Field Day.

Clay earned his EE degree from a small, mid-Western university and was very appreciative of the education he received there and the opportunities it gave him in life. He did very well investing in the stock market and was able to give a large endowment to the university to show his gratitude. He also set up a ham station/lab at the university to help further our hobby and to encourage students to become involved ham radio.

Clay and his wife traveled extensively throughout the world. Ellen was a travel agent and booked them on numerous trips to dozens of countries. Following her passing several years ago, Clay continued to take cruises to many exotic locations. He always took a portable rig with him and created some big pileups when he transmitted from Easter Island and other rare DX locations.

Clay was a ham through and through and loved the hobby. He was a pioneer, an innovator, and a friend. His passing is a loss to the ham community. [M.Buck]

Dale Lingenfelder, KF6MD — SK:

It is with great sorrow that I inform you that KF6MD, Dale Lingenfelter is a silent key. Dale passed this afternoon surrounded by his family. I have attached the email his son, Kirk, sent out tonight at the end of this email.

Dale was a long-time member of WPARC and was active in the club until health issues prevented his participation. He was at one time a Board member and enjoyed the fellowship of the club.

Dale was an avid ham operator and was licensed over 50 years. He has a ton of QSL cards and several awards. He was fascinated by equipment and always had the latest and hottest equipment. It seemed like every time I went to visit him he had a new radio or mic or key or some other new goodie.

He worked for many years as a communication specialist for a company that handled communications for airlines. He handled the first airplane that was hijacked to Cuba and said he was quite surprised when the pilot called in and asked for the weather conditions in Havana.

Dale was a master golfer and had an astounding 8 holes in one. His major love in life was golf and he traveled the world to play at different courses and take part in tournaments. He also attended several masters tournaments and met many famous golfers. Yes, he loved golf more than ham radio. Almost every time I visited him, he had golf on his TV. Dale lost a leg several years ago and was planning to learn how to golf with one leg but other health issues got in the way.

I, as well as many others will miss Dale and his warm personality. Please join me in wishing his family our condolences.

Here is Kirk's email.

Dale's Last Update

It is with a heavy heart that I tell you that my Dad has left this world for the next. He passed peacefully at 3:15 this afternoon holding my hand while surrounded by loved ones.

The last few years have not been easy for him as he battled a series of health challenges, but I am very proud of the way he persevered and, in my view, he ultimately won the fight by keeping his good humor and positive disposition intact. He never changed from one of the most loving men I have ever known.

Dale (Dad) will be greatly missed by us all and we can take comfort knowing he lived well, played hard, and dominated the golf course wherever he went. Watching him play golf was like watching poetry in motion, he was certainly a master of the game he loved so much.

Precious has now been reunited with the love of his life, Euni, and they are no doubt hosting a party somewhere special, possibly picking up where they left off reliving the Boulder Creek “Camelot” years of the 80's and 90's.

My father's final wish was to be cremated and for his ashes to be scattered next to Euni's where they created the magic that will never be forgotten. I am not sure if we will have a gathering, or if we do, where it will be held, but I will let you all know as plans develop. Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers for my Dad as well as for myself and my family. Please join me in wishing my father safe travels and Godspeed.

Kirk Lingenfelter [M.Buck]

Frank Loomis, KB6KYK — SK:

It is with great and deep sorrow that I report the passing of WPARC Past President and long-time club member Frank Loomis, KB6KYK. Frank recently contracted Covid-19 and was in the ICU when he passed.

Frank was a very active club member and served in different board positions. He also participated in most of our activities and was behind our association with the Lions Club and coordinated our part in the Lions Club Annual Food Drive.

Frank and I were good friends and, being late nighters, would often call each other at 2, 3, or 4 AM in the morning and chat for an hour.

Frank was one of those people who was always present at club events and could always be counted on to support the club. His passing is a great loss and we will miss him dearly. [M.Buck]

Chuck Sinclair, KK6DOA — SK: October 20, 2022

It is with great sadness that I inform you that Chuck Sinclair, KK6DOA, has become a Silent Key (SK). Chuck passed on October 20th 2022 from congestive heart failure. Chuck was a member of the club for many years, served as an officer, and started our VE testing program. He was always active on the club repeater and went crazy on HF when he bought a Flex radio, earning many awards along the way.

Chuck retired from California State government to care for his wife who suffers from age-related illness. He and his wife moved to Idaho to be closer to his daughter to help care for his wife. It is fortunate that he did so as his wife survives him.

May he rest in peace and your memories be a blessing. [M.Buck]

Walter Caton, KG6JFL — SK:

It is with deep sorrow that I advise you that long-time WPARC member Walter Caton, KG6JFL, is a Silent Key.

I just spoke to Sally, Walter’s XYL, and she said that Walter had been having some health issues for a while but he kept on going despite his challenges. Walter was 82 and was married to Sally for 61 years. One of the first conversations I had with him he mentioned that he had two daughters and how proud he was of them. Walter was a pilot for 50 years and when he had to give up his pilots license he turned his attention to ham radio. He brought a lot of enthusiasm and interest to the hobby and was always excited about some new aspect he was exploring. A few years ago I sold him an HF antenna and he was so thrilled about being able to make more contacts around the world. He recently bought a new 2 meter mobile and was just as excited about it as he was his first radio. For a long time Walter’s favorite radio was an HT and he was so proud of “my little Baofeng” and raved about the range he had with it.

Walter was one of the people who was always there. No matter what the activity or event you could count on his participation and smiling face. He was very involved in a number of nets and did not miss a day on any of them. He often mentioned the consecutive check-ins he had on a particular net and was on the radio at 8:30 AM every morning. He also became a VE and was there for many new hams when they took their test.

The bad part of being club Secretary is having to write obituaries for long time friends. You always wish you knew more about them. The conversations we had never seem long enough when they are gone and you know there won’t be another one. It is so damn hard.

Walter, we will miss you. May he rest in peace and may your memories be a blessing. Walter, Godspeed. [M.Buck]

Roger Carroll, W6TVY — SK: April 8, 2023

Long time club member, Roger Carroll (SK) was one of our bike operators in the Tour de Lincoln and participated in other events. Don, N6DPH, shared this shocking news with me this afternoon. The official statement from the Town of Loomis is as follows:

April 9, 2023

Town of Loomis Finance Director and Treasurer Roger Carroll was tragically killed April 8, 2023 at approximately 7 AM in a hit and run accident while he was riding his bicycle in rural Sutter County.

Roger worked for the Town of Loomis for just under 25 years. He lived in Loomis where he raised his family. He was a dedicated family man whose eyes lit up when talking about his family.

“Roger was just an amazing person,” Town Manager Sean Rabé said. “He certainly was a key part of our Town staff. We will miss his quick wit and dry humor, and more than anything, his friendship.”

Rabé added that he admired Roger’s dedication to keeping the Town’s finances in order. “I have never met someone who took such pride in his job,” he said. “The Town is in the financial position it is in now because Roger was so good at his job. Loomis was his Town, and he took immense pride in his work.”

His enthusiasm for triathlons was also a source of pride for Roger. He was recently training for another triathlon.

Roger was also known in Loomis for his use of puppets during his finance presentations, and recently shared that passion with the Loomis Basin Chamber of Commerce.

The Town of Loomis staff and Town Council shares the grief Roger’s family is feeling. “We want to express our sincere condolences to Roger’s family,” Rabé said. “We are here for them and share in their pain.”

The WPARC extends its deepest condolences to Roger’s family. Godspeed Roger [M.Buck]

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